Gather September 2020 Recap
September has marked a lot of achievements for Gather after 2 years spent building in sweat and tears during the crypto winter. Over the last month, Gather has raised $960,000 in a 25x oversubbed private sale round, been listed on Bithumb Global and Uniswap, built new relationships while reinforcing existing ones, appeared in variety of crypto mediums, completed 30 AMAs in various global and local communities and started building grass roots local communities.
What we have accomplished in such short period of time is only a slice of what we will do in the future. Here’s a look back on Gather’s first month packed with full of actions:
- Gather Website Revamped
- Gather Intro Video Published
- Private Sale round complete
- Listed on Exchanges Bithumb Global & Uniswap
- Bithumb Global staking program launched
- Gather Second Video Published
- Internal testnet was conducted succesfully
- Announced Partnership with Ferrum: Ferrum Network will be monetizing their web staking & Unifyre wallet app via Gather while $GTH will be listed in these platforms.
- Announced Partnership with Decentr: Decentr will be monetizing their web browser via Gather Online with $DEC payouts while Gather will be adding more processing power to its network
- Announced Partnership with Dia: DIA payouts will be integrated to Gather, while the payout mechanism in Gather will use DIA’s price oracle infrastructure to provide secure, transparent & instant data for stakeholders.
- Announced Partnership with Polispay: $GTH will be integrated to PolisPay Wallet. You will be able to spend $GTH over 40 countries with debit cards.
- With these partnerships, we have added 3 new coins ($FRM, $DEC, $DIA) to Gather Online as payouts methods
- Listed on Unifyre Wallet powered by Ferrum Network
- Integrated & available on TrustWallet
- Gather Welcomes Its First Ambassador, Crypto Krillin
Appearances on Media / Social Media
- “Intro to Gather” by TheDailyChain
- Reviewed by Proof of Review
- Reviewed by Strong Writers
- Gather Appeared in HackerNoon
- Reviewed by Papercoins
- Blocksiders Video Review
- Gem Spotlight by HedgedInterest
- Gather Appeared in Bezinga
- Blockchain Enterprises — Podcast
- ”Earn more crypto while using DeFi” by TheDailyChain
- Gather is mentioned in BitBoy Video
- Bullish AF/Hashr8 — Podcast
- Reviewed by Crypto24 India — Video
- Appeared in Coincrunch India
- Reviewed by Blockfyre
- ”Gather — The Missing Link in DeFi?” by TheDailyChain
AMAs (Count: 30, including Global, China, Korea, Vietnam, India, Turkey, Russia, Indonesia regions, some notable ones below)
- HedgedInterest AMA
- Coinvoice AMA — China
- Tutunamayanlar AMA — Turkey
- Bithumb Global AMAs — Korea, Russia, Global
- Strong Writers AMA — Global
- Krisma AMA — Global
- TheGemHunters AMA — Global
- Cryptocrunch AMA — India
- Wolf Crypto Pub AMA — Global
- Apache Traders AMA — Global
- Hillside Capital AMA — Global
- Decentr Split AMA — Partner
- Pentoshi AMA — Global
- Infinity Gainz AMA — Global
- ICO Pantera AMA — Korea
A Sneak Peak Of What Is To Come
We are securing more partnerships with clients to use Gather Online and with other crypto projects where there is a mutual added value to our ecosystems.
We have $GTH Web Staking live on our pre-production website, which is powered by Ferrum Network and we are working on finalizing details for go-live.
In the coming days, Gather will be running a private demo with select websites and applications.
A liquidity provider incentive program is in the works and will be announced.
Meanwhile, our local communities are growing and you can join them from the links below the article.
Stay tuned for more!
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