Counting down for Gather Mercury Release!
Since last Friday, we’ve been testing deployment of Testnet V.3 and we’re proud to announce that all acceptance tests have passed, the network is up and running!
New features are added on this version of Testnet:
+ Mining pool functionality
+ Adjustment of flat gas rates
+ New publisher dashboard
+ Emission distributions for PoW/PoS/MN
Early adopters that are currently using the Gather script will receive an email on 23rd of April, including a password to the new dashboard and will be asked to log in using the new credentials. They will need to add their sites to the new dashboard to generate the new code. The instructions are provided at the end of this blog post.
Roadmap Ahead
Gather Mercury will be released at the end of this month. This release will include Gather Online’s primary functionality: Allowing publishers to integrate Gather to their websites and generate revenue.
Rewards that are generated will be redeemable as ERC20 $GTH tokens during this first phase. There will be no swaps to the GTH mainnet coins, all operations will continue on the ERC20 chain until Gather Minerva is launched. Users will not be able to install Gather nodes during this phase.
For the first two weeks, a limited number of publishers will have restricted access to the live product, the initial onboarding and integrations will be in batches to avoid any issue that may rise due to high demand. In the meantime, to honor our mainnet release, we will remove the fees associated with the early adopters program for a limited time, welcoming new publishers to sign up.
NFT airdrop for full masternode holders will take place in the days following the Gather Mercury announcement. This will create a secondary market where people can buy and sell NFTs, instead of buying and selling their tokens for masternodes.
In the meantime, Community Hub (Proposals) and The Foundation ecosystem member vote portals will go live with Mainnet.
Gather Minerva Release
On-chain masternodes and staking will be available as part of Gather Minerva release, users will be able to install Gather nodes starting with this phase. Till this release, the ongoing masternode program will continue with 50% APY, AscendEX(BitMax) program for staking is on with 26% APY. And more good news! There will be a brand new batch of masternodes which will allow people to contribute and stake $GTH before the Minerva release.
On the publishers’ side, loyalty and referral programs, payout in other cryptocurrencies and fiat will be available with Gather Minerva release.
Gather Minerva release will launch in the following weeks to come after Mercury release.
Gather Jupiter Release
This release will cover Gather Cloud and Gather Child Chain integrations.
On the publisher side, application integrations will also be possible in addition to websites.
Gather Jupiter release will launch in the following weeks after Minerva launch.
Gather Online Instructions For Publishers
Please follow these steps in sequential order for publisher’s registration:
- Open this link on your browser:
2. If you already have an account then enter the credentials to login into your account or if you don’t have an account then scroll down and click on Sign up.
3. Enter all the required details and submit to complete the signup request. Signup request will be reviewed and in case of successful validation, you will receive an email with a login id & password.
4. After successful login to the dashboard, you can add your wallet address to collect rewards on the Ethereum Rinkeby test network in the Wallet Address section. You can also add & monitor your websites in the My Websites section.
5. In the Wallet Address section, add a wallet address to collect web mining rewards, the rewards will be given on the Ethereum Rinkeby Test Network (when it’s available) :
6. To add a new website click on Add a website button, enter your website URL, and click on get the code to get the script.
7. After generating the script, click on the copy icon to copy the script to the clipboard & put this script before the </body> of your website.
8. Now while opening your website, you will get popup permission to share resources for web mining. You can read the terms & click on Accept to start mining.